TikTok, Influencer
Holistic feminine care brand Rael came to us with a problem: people who bleed often aren’t educated on the individual menstrual cycle phases, and their hormonal effects on skin.
Our solution: create a TikTok faux reality tv series that personifies each phase of the menstrual cycle. We cast influencers to play the phases—menstrual, luteal, follicular and ovulation—and let them bring their main character energy to the show.
The drama kicked off with a trailer that teased the upcoming season. Then, we released four episodes filled with all the Rael-ity tv drama needs.
Rael Cycle House created an amazingly positive response from viewers, and with 45.4M views, increased @Get_Rael’s following by 68%. Viewers commented about how “invested” they were, wanting to know if it’s a real show, or suggesting that it should be a real show.
Other comments praised Rael for the fun approach to education about the different phases of the menstrual cycle.